ISSN 2308-4057 (Печать),
ISSN 2310-9599 (Онлайн)
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Результаты поиска: 4 статей
Строка поиска: Brahim Jabir
Авторы Название статьи Том Номер Год
1 Rabhi L., Jabir B., Falih N., Afraites L., Bouikhalene B. Digital transformation metamodel in smart farming: Crop classification prediction based on recurrent neural network 13 1 2025
2 Jabir B., Rabhi L., Falih N. RNN- and CNN-based weed detection for crop improvement: An overview 9 2 2021
3 Ibrahim G. E., Bahgaat W. K., Hussein A. M. S. Egyptian kishk as a fortificant: Impact on the quality of biscuit 9 1 2021
4 Hussein A. M. S., Ibrahim G. E. Effects of various brans on quality and volatile compounds of bread 7 1 2019