ISSN 2308-4057 (Print),
ISSN 2310-9599 (Online)
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Search results: 3 articles
Search string: Grapes
Authors Title Volume Issue Year
1 Aleinikova N. V., Peskova I. V., Ostroukhova E. V., Galkina Ye. S., Didenko P. A., Probeigolova P. А., Lutkova N. Yu. NanoKremny effect on the quality of grapes and wines 9 2 2021
2 Smertina E. S., Fedyanina L. N., Lyakh V. A. Hepatoprotective effect of breads with extracts of plants growing in the Far East 8 2 2020
3 Оганесянц Л. А., Вафин Р. Р., Галстян А. Г., Семипятный В. К., Хуршудян С. А., Рябова А. Е. Prospects for DNA authentication in wine production monitoring 6 2 2018