ISSN 2308-4057 (Печать),
ISSN 2310-9599 (Онлайн)


Specialized food products development, including biologically active additives (BAA), is one of the priority areas in the realization of the healthy eating program and the food and pharmaceutical industries development in the Russian Federation. A lot of attention is paid to the proof of effectiveness and functional orientation of the concerned foodstuff. Dietetic therapy with the use of BAA is considered to be the most available way to improve the modern man’s nutrition and health. The aim of this work was to develop and confirm specialized food products’ practical application through clinical trials and mass production organization. Specialized products for dietetic nutrition and protective diet such as BAA (“Energopan”, “Cleopanta”, “Green Star”) and the “Light mood” bar were developed. Methodological aspects of the new types of the specialized products’ creation were described. Prescription formulas with account taken of pharmacological characteristics of their active principles were scientifically proven. Regulated indices of nutrition value including recommended amount of consumption of the developed product and safety criteria that allowed establishing duration of realization were identified. Clinical trials of the specialized products were conducted: “Light mood” bar and the BAA “Green Star” were included in study groups’ ration and their biomedical measurements characterizing metabolic care were analyzed. Observational results allowed to recommend the “Light mood” bar for prophylaxis and treatment of the constipation in combination with other somatic diseases and the BAA “Green Star” for digestion health improvement in the function of energy absorbent and improvement of the overall level of metabolism. Developed products’ formulation and technology were tested under production conditions in the SPA “Yug” and the “Art-Life” company (Russia).
Ключевые слова
prescription ingredients, biologically active additives, functional properties, effectiveness, clinical trials
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Как цитировать?
Lobach E.Yu. and Poznyakovskiy V.M. Methodological aspects and operational experience of the new baa with targeted functional properties. Foods and Raw Materials, 2016, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 66–74. DOI: 10.21179/2308-4057-2016-2-66-74.
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