ISSN 2308-4057 (Print),
ISSN 2310-9599 (Online)
Changed 04.07.2024 08:19
Alexander Yu. Prosekov, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences
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2 times a year
Indexing: Scopus, WOS, DOAJ

Order of consideration

The journal is published in printed and electronic version.

We accept authentic research articles and reviews on food industry issues. All manuscripts undergo a double-sided blind peer review.

The journal do not charge for submission, translation, peer-review and publication. All publication costs for the Journal are covered by Kemerovo State University.

By submitting your manuscript, you confirm your responsibility for the content of the article. You confirm that the manuscript is an original, previously unpublished research that you have not submitted for publication to any other journal.

Updated on 6 June 2024, Scopus CiteScore 2023 classifies Foods and Raw Materials as a world-class journal in Q1 (General Veterinary; Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous)) and Q2 (Food Science). This is an indicator of the journal’s status and the level of its publications. For us, this recognition is a great responsibility. The contribution of our authors and reviewers cannot be overestimated.

However, we need to develop further and continue to create highly-cited international content. Therefore, we have updated our requirements for manuscripts and their reviewing, namely:
1. We shall only accept manuscripts in those fields of study which have been in the tag cloud of Scopus publications over the last three years.
2. A manuscript must contain at least 60,000 characters with spaces (excluding references) and at least 10 graphic objects (tables, graphs, diagrams).
3. The editorial board shall reject weak, carelessly written or otherwise unsuitable manuscripts before sending them for consideration and review; increase the number of reviewers to two external and one internal; use a cascading review system; and consider a possibility of public disclosure of information (publish comments made by reviewers together with the manuscript).
4. Priority shall be given to manuscripts of highly-cited authors that contain fundamentally new information.

Authors are free to post the initial draft of their manuscript on such public preprint servers as bioRxiv, arXiv, or in the related repository. In this case they should inform the Journal about it and provide a link to the preprint. However, they cannot post their article on preprint servers if it has already been published by the Journal «Foods and Raw Materials» or improved to meet the requirements of the editorial board or reviewers, as it might be regarded as a duplicate publication. When citing an article published in the Journal «Foods and Raw Materials», please make sure that the link leads to the official page of the article on the Journal's website.

Authors must own the exclusive copyright for the manuscript and its publication in Foods and Raw Materials.

The editors do not consider manuscripts that are fully or partially created or supplemented using artificial intelligence.

Please, read about our publishing policy, publication ethics, submission rules, and peer review procedure before you submit your manuscript.

Authors ensure that the list of authors includes only those individuals who have made significant contributions to the work, and that no researcher deserving authorship has been excluded from the list of authors.

In determining the authorship and contributorship, the editorial office follows the authorship criteria developed by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE):

1. Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work;

2. Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content;

3. Final approval of the version to be published; and

4. Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.

People that do not fall for any of these categories but contributed to the research should be mentioned in Acknowledgments.

Authors bear full responsibility for any illegal use of intellectual property or violation of copyright in accordance with the current legislation.

The Corresponding Author is responsible for communication with the Editors and ensures that all their requirements are met. The Corresponding Author should be able to promptly answer any questions of the Editors and provide any information they require.

The Corresponding Author shall guarantee that all the co-authors have seen the final version of the manuscript, approved it, and agreed to its submission for publication in the Journal.

Manuscripts submitted for publication should meet the requirements of the journal for the article formatting. The manuscripts presented with violation of the above mentioned rules are not considered by the editorial board.

Two manuscripts submitted by the same author cannot be published in one issue or in two consecutive issues.

Our Editors strive to expand the pool of authors and welcome manuscripts from international teams.

A manuscript coming to the Foods and Raw Materials editorial office is considered as matching the journal specialization and formatting requirements by the person responsible for the issuing. The manuscript is registered and receipt is confirmed within 14 days after its arrival.

Manuscripts submitted to the editorial board are checked for borrowings from open sources (plagiarism). The check is carried out through the Internet resources – and

The manuscript further goes to the editor-in-chief who evaluates validity of data, authenticity, grounds of factual evidence, its completeness and representativeness, its composition, logics, and stylistic quality, realization of the goal of the research.

Having been approved by the editor-in-chief , the content submitted for publication undergoes reviewing.

The journal only publishes the manuscripts recommended by the reviewers.

The term for the article consideration should not exceed three months from the date of starting the reviewing process.

The author of the rejected article is sent a motivated refusal by the official responsible for issuing. The reviewer's name may be reported to the author provided that the former gives consent to it.

The editorial board does not retain rejected articles. Accepted manuscripts are not returned. The manuscripts with negative reviews are not published and not returned to the author, either.

The Chief Editor and the Editorial Board decide on the possibility of publication after a positive review.

Manuscripts are usually printed in the order they were received by the Editors. In exceptional cases, the Editorial Board maintains the right to change the order of publication.

The Chief Editor approves of the content of each issue. All texts undergo stylistic and grammatical editing. The layout of the manuscript is sent to the author for approval.

If the editorial board do not share the author’s outlooks completely they may give a foot-note remark on this point. Manuscripts published with the purpose of discussion may be supplied with corresponding remarks.

The editorial board has the right to publish readers’ letters giving evaluation of the printed articles.

The authors assume responsibility for authenticity of the information presented in the article. It should be original and should not be published before or submitted to other publishing organizations.

The editorial board is not responsible for falsity of the articles’ data. Any violations of the copyright are prosecuted by law. Reprinting of the journal’s materials is only allowed upon agreement with the editorial board. Written consent of the editorial board for reprinting and references to the journal «Foods and Raw Materials» for citing are compulsory.

The authors are not expected to pay fees for publication, to be given the reward or free copies of the Journal.