ISSN 2308-4057 (Печать),
ISSN 2310-9599 (Онлайн)


  1. Evdokunina, E.A., and Rokotianskaya, V.V., Osobennosti rynka funkcional´nyh napitkov v Rossii (Features of the Market of Functional Drinks in Russia), Pivo i napitki (Beer and beverages), 2014, no. 5, pp. 16-18.
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  6. Kotova, T.V., and Zorkina, N.N., Opisanie profilja potrebitelja jenergeticheskih napitkov g. Kemerovo (The descrip-tion of the energy beverage consumer profile of Kemero), Tehnologija i tovarovedenie innovacionnyh pishhevyh produktov (Technology and the study of merchandise of innovative foodstuffs), 2012, no. 4 (15), pp. 91-102.
  7. Kotova, T.V., and Petrik, N.A., Analiz potrebitel´skih predpochtenij pri vybore jenergeticheskih napitkov (Consumer preferences in choosing energy beverage), Tehnologija i tovarovedenie innovacionnyh pishhevyh produktov (Technology and the study of merchandise of innovative foodstuffs), 2012, no.6 (17), pp. 83-87.
  8. Kalinin, A.Y., Analiz riskov potreblenija kofeinosoderzhashhih pishhevyh produktov (Risk Analysis of Caffeine Containing Consumption of Food Products), Pivo i napitki (Beer and beverages), 2014, no. 2, pp. 40-44.
  9. Kotova, T.V., Razumov, A.S., and Pozniakovskiy, V.M., Harakteristika tonizirujushhego jeffekta bezalkogol´nyh jenergeticheskih napitkov (The characteristics of the tonic effect of soft energy drinks), Polzunovskii vestnik (Polzu-novsky Vestnik), 2013, no. 4-4, pp. 132-140.
  10. Rajput, Z. I., Hu, S., Xiao, C., et al., Adjuvant effects of saponins on animal immune responses, Zhejiang Univer. Sci. B., 2007, vol. 8, no.3, pp. 153-161.
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  12. Tohdaa, C., Kuboyamaa, T., Komatsua, K., et al., Search for natural products related to regeneration of the neuronal network, Neurosignals, 2005, vol. 14, pp. 34-45.
  13. Zhong, Y. M., Nishijo, H., Uwano, T., et al., Ginseng ameliorated place navigation deficits in young rats with hip-pocampal lesions and aged rats, Physiol. Behav., 2000, no. 69, pp. 511-525.
  14. Mook-Jung, I., Hong, H.S., Boo, J.H., et al., Ginsenoside Rb1 and Rg1 improve spatial learning and increase hippo-campal synaptophysin level in mice, J. Neurosci. Res., 2001, vol. 63, pp. 509-515.
  15. Rhyua, M.R., KimaYoonb, E.-Y., Leec, Y.J., and Chen, S.-N. Aqueous extract of Schizandra chinensis fruit causes endothelium-dependent and -independent relaxation of isolated rat thoracic aorta, Phytomedicine, 2006, vol. 13, pp. 651-657.
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