ISSN 2308-4057 (Print),
ISSN 2310-9599 (Online)

Typology of Single-Industry Towns According to the Degree of Diversification of Secondary Vocational Education as an Information Base of Professional Retraining Projects

In the process of diversifying the economy of single-industry towns, a contradiction may appear between the homogeneous professional composition of the population and the need for personnel with diverse professional and qualification characteristics. Elimination of this risk lies in the field of diversification of vocational education. The task of the study was to diagnose the degree of diversification of secondary vocational education in single-industry towns with the status of a territory of advanced socio-economic development. The definition of this characteristic was considered as the definition formed to date, one of the prerequisites for the implementation of the program for the development of single-industry towns. The present research features the existing differences between single-industry cities with the status of territory of advanced socio-economic development in terms of the degree of diversification of secondary vocational education. The authors analyzed the mid-level training programs and programs for training skilled workers and employees that are being implemented in the 2017/18 school year. On this basis, a typology of single-industry towns was developed and proposed. This typology can form the basis for the development of a set of strategies for the diversification of free software for single-industry towns of different types. This, in turn, will make it possible to introduce into the development program of each single-industry town a project to transform the vocational qualification structure of the population in accordance with the needs of a diversifying economy, which will increase the level of complexity of the program for developing a single-industry town as a whole.
diversification of economy, typology of single-industry towns, vocational qualification structure of the population, the needs of city-forming enterprises, the needs of small business and population
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