a Kemerovo Institute of Food Science and Technology (University), Kemerovo, Russia
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Removing small amounts of organochlorine compounds from aqueous solutions is important for the water treatment and wastewater treatment. Sorption methods with the use of carbon sorbents proved to be very successful in some cases. The paper studies the adsorption equilibrium in the systems carbon sorbent (active carbons KAU, AG-OV-1, SKD-515, semi-coke) - aqueous solutions of chloroform, chlorophenol and carbon sorbent - aqueous solutions of mixtures of these organochlorines. The research holds that the known adsorption equations can be used to describe the adsorption equilibrium and to calculate the main parameters of sorption. The paper discusses the possible mechanisms of chloroform and chlorophenol sorption by active carbons from aqueous solutions. It identifies those brands of activated carbons, which most effectively extract chloroform and chlorophenol from the treated water. The authors examine the possibility of the reagent modification of the sorbents by acid and alkali solutions in order to increase the adsorption capacity.
Ключевые слова
active carbon,
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