Physical and chemical properties of whey mineralizates obtained from unsalted cheese whey, curdy whey and casein whey treated by electrodialysis. The extent of electrodialysis treatment of whey on the structure of its dispersed phase was studied by the photon-correlation spectroscopy method. The considerable effect of electrodialysis treatment on the dispersed structure of whey, on stability of whey proteins that form the basis of the dispersed phase of whey was defined. These variations may significantly affect the organoleptic and technological properties of demineralized whey, its shelf life and biological value. It’s been established that the demineralization causes significant changes to the specific electrical conductivity and the active acidity of both whey and whey mineralizates. Their physical and chemical properties were studied with the following methods: potentiometry, conductometry, stalagmometric method, viscometry, refractometry. The elemental and phase composition were studied by a range of advanced methods, such as X-ray phase analysis, scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray fluorescent microanalysis, infrared spectroscopy. It’s revealed that the main crystalline phases of whey mineralizates are the potassium and sodium chlorides, calcium and magnesium phosphates, calcium sulfate and carbonate. The results of infrared spectroscopy allowed identification of the lactate, citrate, sulfate and phosphate ions in the structure of whey mineralizates. The ultimate composition of whey mineralizates is represented by such chemical elements as Cl , Ca , Na , Mg , K , S , P , O , Al , Si and N . The correlation between the composition and properties of whey mineralizate and initial milk whey is established.Ключевые слова
Whey mineralizates, infrared spectroscopy, X-ray phase analysis, scanning electron microscopy, energy-dispersive microanalysisВВЕДЕНИЕ
Electrodialysis treatment of whey is found to be the most effective method of targeted control of its mineral composition and acidity [1, 2]. It should be noted that the whey electrodialysis does not significantly affect the qualitative and quantitative properties of whey proteins, lactose content, and the content of vitamins in demineralized whey; in the meantime, its technological and organoleptic properties considerably improve [3].
The process of whey electrodialysis desalination or demineralization ends in demineralized whey and salt concentrate, namely, the whey mineralizate. The demineralized whey (especially when dry) is used in food production for children and for special purposes; in confectionery and bakery; for meat products; in pharmaceutical industry, etc. [1–5]. On the other hand, the whey mineralizates have not found the practical use. As shown in works [6, 7], whey mineralizates may be used as the basis for washing and disinfecting agents used in dairy enterprises. In this regard, the study of physical and chemical, surface-active properties and the composition of whey mineralizates, as well as the impact caused by the type of initial whey to such parameters are quite relevant.
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