ISSN 2308-4057 (Print),
ISSN 2310-9599 (Online)


The defects in the quality of the processed meat lead to economic losses of enterprises. With an increase in the share of meat of the turkey sent to the production of meat products, the study of its technological properties becomes an urgent problem. Until now, data on the amount of domestic turkey meat with quality defects have not been collected. In this regard, the pH and microstructure of turkey meat were studied during maturation, which showed that the raw materials that goes through processing had significant quality deviations, which were based on some intravital factors. Thus, the carcasses of turkey cocks with pH20 below 5.6; from 5.6 to 5.9; above 5.9 were, respectively, 26%, 47% and 26% of their total. The carcasses of turkey hens were only divided into two groups: the carcasses with pH20 below 5.6-80%; from 5.6 to 5.9 - only 20%. The histological studies made it possible to describe in detail the nature of autolytic changes in the microstructure of the muscular tissue of pectoral and femoral muscles and confirmed the effect of poultry stress on the formation of technological properties of meat during maturation. The meat of turkey hens, especially pectoral muscles, was most susceptible to the development of quality defects. The presence of overcontraction knots and bands testified to the severity. The study showed that the problem of defects in the quality of turkey meat requires an increase in the responsible attitude towards the compliance with the technologies of poultry pre-slaughtering.
Turkey meat, recyclability, muscle fibers, destructive changes
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