Food Biochemistry and PrincipIes of Food Biotechnology, Biotransformation of Agriculture wastes.
References to the scientist's profile
1993 – Post-doctorate: Ohio State University, USA;
1991 – Ph.D. in Food Science, Campinas State University-Unicamp, Brazil;
1985 – Enzyme Technology Course, Osaka Technical Institute, Japan;
1982 – M.S. in Food Science, Campinas University-Unicamp, Brazil;
1976 – Bachelor of Biological Science, Catholic University of Campinas, Brazil.
Work and research experience
Responsible for graduate and undergraduate courses in Food Biochemistry and PrincipIes of Food Biotechnology, Biotransformation of Agriculture wastes;
Author of several chapters in international and national books, more than 100 research papers in international journals;
Adviser of 54 defended Master and Doctoral theses, and has 15 theses en counseling;
Frequent speaker about Food Biochemistry in National and lnternational Meetings;
Coordinator of several research projects, supported by some Brazilian companies and Brazilian Government;
1994-1996 and 1996-1998: Chairman of Food Science Department, Campinas State University ;
1998-2002 and 2007-2010: Director of Faculty of Food Engineering;
1996-1998 and 1998-2000: Vice-President of Brazilian Society of Food Science and Technology (SBCTA) ;
2004-2006 and 2006-2008: President of Brazilian Society of Food Science and Technology (SBCTA) ;
2004: Professional Membership of IFT since ;
Member of Adhering Bodies of IUFoST - International Union of Food Science & Technology;
President of ALACCTA-Latin American and Caribbean Association of Food Science and Technology;
2011-2013: Vice –Coordinator of NEPA (Center of studies and Research in Food and Nutrition), UNICAMP..
Editorial membership
Editorial board of Journal of Functional Foods;
Editorial board of Journal of Food Science;
Editorial board of Korean Jouranl of Food Science and Biotechnology;
IFT - Institute of Food Technologists;
SBCTA – Sociedade Brasileira de Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimento
Special scientific achievements
Fellow of IAFoST (International Academy of Food Science and Technology) of IUFoST;
2012: Chair of 16 World Congress of Food Science and Technology Of IUFoST-Brazil;
2013-2017: Vice-President for Research University of Campinas .
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