ISSN 2308-4057 (Print),
ISSN 2310-9599 (Online)
Changed 14.06.2024 02:53
Alexander Yu. Prosekov, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences
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2 times a year
Indexing: Scopus, WOS, DOAJ


Foods and Raw Materials (Q1/Q2) is a peer-reviewed English-language scientific journal on a wide range of food industry issues.

The main concern of the journal «Foods and Raw Materials» is informing the scientific community on the works by the researchers from Russia and other countries, strengthening the world position of the science they represent, showing the results of perspective scientific researches in the food industry and related branches.

We publish the results of fundamental and applied research. We offer you a single platform for scientific communication that bridges the gap between regional, national, and international levels publications.

The journal content areas reflect the modern state of different scientific and technical problems, the industrial implementation of scientific results and advanced home and foreign experience.

The Journal publishes materials in the following areas: food production technology; food production processes and equipment; biotechnology; economics; food hygiene; chemistry and ecology; standardization, certification, quality and safety; automation and informational support of technological processes.

Our Editors strive to expand the pool of authors and welcome manuscripts from international teams.

We accept authentic research articles and reviews on food industry issues. All manuscripts undergo a double-sided blind peer review.

The journal «Foods and Raw Materials» do not charge for submission, translation, peer-review and publication. All publication costs for the Journal are covered by Kemerovo State University.

The journal has free access. Articles can be read, downloaded, copied, distributed, printed while referring to the full text with attribution, without any restrictions, in accordance with the license Commons the Attribution 4.0 the Creative International (CC BY 4.0).

The journal «Foods and Raw Materials» is an open access journal. All articles are made freely available to readers immediatly upon publication. Our open access policy is in accordance with the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI) definition - it means that articles have free availability on the public internet, permitting any users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of these articles, crawl them for indexing, pass them as data to software, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without financial, legal, or technical barriers other than those inseparable from gaining access to the internet itself. For more information please read BOAI statement.

The journal «Foods and Raw Materials» selected for inclusion in the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), forming part of the Web of Science Core Collection.

10 March 2016 the journal is included in the database Scopus.

Updated on 6 June 2023, Scopus CiteScore 2022 classifies Foods and Raw Materials as a world-class journal in Q1 (General Veterinary and Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous)), Q2 - Food Science).

This is an indicator of the journal’s status and the level of its publications. For us, this recognition is a great responsibility. The contribution of our authors and reviewers cannot be overestimated.

However, we need to develop further and continue to create highly-cited international content. Therefore, we have updated our requirements for manuscripts and their reviewing, namely:
1. We shall only accept manuscripts in those fields of study which have been in the tag cloud of Scopus publications over the last three years.
2. A manuscript must contain at least 60,000 characters with spaces (excluding references) and at least 10 graphic objects (tables, graphs, diagrams).
3. The editorial board shall reject weak, carelessly written or otherwise unsuitable manuscripts before sending them for consideration and review; increase the number of reviewers to two external and one internal; use a cascading review system; and consider a possibility of public disclosure of information (publish comments made by reviewers together with the manuscript).
4. Priority shall be given to manuscripts of highly-cited authors that contain fundamentally new information.

The Edition Foods and Raw Materials is included in the Russian index of scientific citation (RISC) and registered in the Scientific electronic library eLIBRARY.RU

The information about edition is published in international databases of periodical and proceeding editions of Scopus, ProQuest, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Emerging Sources Citation Index (Web of Science Core Collection), Dimensions, LENS.ORG, Scilit, CNKI, FSTA (Thomson Reuters Web of Knowledge), World Journal Clout Index (WJCI) of Scientific and Technological Periodicals, Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), «Ulrich's Periodicals directory», ResearchBib, EBSCOhost (Food Science Source), Agricola, Google Scholar, OCLC WorldCat, Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE).

Every article that is accepted for publication in an Journal is assigned a DOI number (Digital Object Identifier).

CrossMark is a multi-publisher initiative from Crossref, provides a standard way for readers to locate the authoritative version of an article or other published content. By applying the CrossMark logo, journal "Foods and Raw Materials" is committing to maintaining the content it publishes and to alerting readers to changes if and when they occur. Clicking the CrossMark logo on a document will tell you its current status and may also give you additional publication-record information about the document. For more information on CrossMark, please visit the CrossMark site.

The work of the editors is implemented on the platform EDITORUM.

The journal «Foods and Raw Materials» is published in the English since 2013 with periodicity of two volumes a year.

Editorial Board is guided by the laws of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the Journal and other documents approved by the Founder and the Editorial of the journal.

The edition is enrolled in the ISSN International centre under the number ISSN - ISSN 2308-4057 (Print), ISSN 2310-9599 (Online).

The Journal is registered in the Federal Service on Supervision in the sphere of communication industry, information technologies and public communications. The certificate of registration is PI № FS 77 - 72606 of 04.04.2018, EL № FS 77 - 72619 of 04.04.2018.

The journal does not charge APCs or submission charges. The Journal is Financed by the Kemerovo State University (Founder)

Editor-in-Chief - Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, recipient of The RF Government Prize in the domain of science and engineering, Rector of Kemerovo State University Alexander Yu. Prosekov.

650000, Russia, Kemerovo, Krasnaya Str. 6.
tel.: (3842) 58-81-19