ISSN 2308-4057 (Print),
ISSN 2310-9599 (Online)
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Search results: 11 articles
Search string: medicinal plants
Authors Title Volume Issue Year
1 Velichkovich Natalia, Dunchenko Nina, Stepanova Anna, Kozlova Oksana, Faskhutdinova Elizaveta, Yustratov Vladimir, Luzyanin Sergey The phytochemical composition of Kuzbass medicinal plants studied by spectrophotometry and chromatography 13 2 2025
2 Babich O. O., Samsuev I. G., Tcibulnikova A. V. , Zemlyakova E. S., Popov A. D. , Ivanova S. A., Noskova S. Yu., Sukhikh S. A. Properties of plant extracts and component composition: column chromatography and IR spectroscopy 12 2 2024
3 Belashova O. V., Kozlova O. V., Velichkovich N. S., Fokina A. D., Yustratov V. P., Petrov A. N. A phytochemical study of the clover growing in Kuzbass 12 1 2024
4 Faskhutdinova E. R., Sukhikh A. S., Le V. M., Minina V. I., Khelef M. E. A., Loseva A. I. Effects of bioactive substances isolated from Siberian medicinal plants on the lifespan of Caenorhabditis elegans 10 2 2022
5 Debnath B., Manna K. Formulating anti-diabetic nutraceutical tablets based on edible plants from Tripura, India 10 2 2022
6 Tabakaev A. V., Tabakaeva O. V., Piekoszewski W., Kalenik T. K., Poznyakovsky V. M., Piekoszewski W. Antioxidant properties of edible sea weed from the Northern Coast of the Sea of Japan 9 2 2021
7 Asyakina L. K., Fotina N. V., Izgarysheva N. V., Slavyanskiy A. A., Neverova O. A. Geroprotective potential of in vitro bioactive compounds isolated from yarrow (Achilleae millefolii L.) cell cultures 9 1 2021
8 Milentyeva I. S., Le V. M., Kozlova O. V., Velichkovich N. S., Fedorova A. M., Loseva A. I., Yustratov V. P. Secondary metabolites in in vitro cultures of Siberian medicinal plants: Content, antioxidant properties, and antimicrobial characteristics 9 1 2021
9 Yaseen A. A., Hussein A. M. S., Esmail R. M., Mohammad A. A. Quality characteristics of snacks produced from nixtamalized corn flours of new drought-tolerant yellow corn hybrids 8 2 2020
10 Zaushintsena A. V., Bryukhachev E. N. , Belashova O. V., Asyakina L. K., Kurbanova M. G., Vesnina A. D., Fotina N. V. Extracts of Rhodiola rosea L. and Scutellaria galericulata L. in functional dairy products 8 1 2020
11 Ameri A., Ekhtelat M., Shamsaei S. Microbial indices of industrial and traditional medicinal herbs in Ahvaz, Iran 8 1 2020