ISSN 2308-4057 (Print),
ISSN 2310-9599 (Online)
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Search results: 2 articles
Search string: cadmium
Authors Title Volume Issue Year
1 Kochkarev P. V., Perevozchikova M. A. , Sergeyev A. A. , Shiryaev V. V., Dvornikov M. G. The impact of lead, cadmium, and mercury on the reproduction of mountain hares (Lepus timidus L., 1758) in the north of Krasnoyarsk Krai 13 1 2025
2 Majlesi M., Malekzadeh J., Berizi E., Toori M. A. Heavy metal content in farmed rainbow trout in relation to aquaculture area and feed pellets 7 2 2019