ISSN 2308-4057 (Print),
ISSN 2310-9599 (Online)

Volume 2018, Issue 2, 2018


Russia's integration into the world economy has had a negative impact on the socio-economic situation of single-industry towns and monopolies. The state allocates billions of dollars to support such monostructures, but the standard of living of the population is consistently deteriorating. The main reason for this situation is the
current mechanisms of state support that are focused exclusively on the creation of innovative industries. Legal acts regulating innovation support are formed in a hurry, without taking into account the specifics of the regional economy; moreover, they lack clear recommendations for the implementation of innovative projects. Grants are not provided in time, which prevents regions from implementing projects and planning their own budgets. The mechanism of providing budget funds via the development Fund of
single-industry towns, which is not a member of the budget process, places the process of spending budget funds outside the legal field, which excludes proper control over the expenditure of budget funds. In this situation the city-forming enterprises that define the main profile of education are deprived of any federal support


The paper features peculiarities of the development of small and medium business enterprises and their state support in the Kemerovo region. It presents some results of the research on the matter of the current development level of small and medium business in the Kemerovo region, including a structure analysis according to economic activities. The research includes an analysis of the state program "Development of Small and Medium Business in the Kemerovo Region for 2014–2019": its goals and objectives, structure and financing. The goal of the research is to identify the problems of small and medium business in the Kemerovo region. The
research reveals some intermediate results of the implementation of the state program: the current achievements coincide with the established objectives but with some limitations. The paper offers possible solutions


The paper features theoretical and methodical approaches to the
classification of regions from positions of modern region studies. It contains social and economic characteristics of the Republic of Crimea as an agrarian region. The author has monitored the current state of agrarian and industrial complex of the Republic of Crimea. The research has revealed that although agriculture is responsible for 17,1 % of the gross regional product, only 5,0 % of labor capacity of the region are engaged in the agrarian sphere of economy, and only 6,3 % of Crimean students major in agriculture. A complex analysis of the Crimean agrarian complex has revealed that the problem of qualified personnel deficiency is not acute for the regional economy, as there is an agricultural institute, as well as a number of minor vocational education institutions. A more relevant task is to improve the quality of training of young specialists and to attract them into rural areas; for this purpose a system and target
approach to agrarian education has been established in the region. The transformation of agricultural education in the republic should be based on the model of a wellbalanced interindustrial staffing plan of agrarian and industrial complex according to sustainable development programs of rural territories in the re gion.


The resettlement of the population appears to be a significant factor in the sustainable development of the territory. The imbalances in spatial development that have been forming during a certain period of time concern mostly the imbalances between the center and the periphery, urban and rural settlements. This disproportion draws scientific attention to the processes of population concentration and the prospects for their development. Over the past decades, the main trend in resettlement has been the flow of the population
to the center and the negative peripheral dynamics. The deep transformational changes in Russia, which coincided with significant demographic changes, resulted in an increasing dichotomy between the focal point and the province. In the Northern and Arctic regions, this tendency is reflected in a reduction in the number of settlements, both urban and rural. The dilution of the settlement network, together with the deepening of the territorial population concentration, lead to even greater depersonalization on the territory. Rural settlement downturn has been accompanied
by certain changes in the character of urban settlements, where a significant proportion belongs to single-industry towns. The instability of the city-forming base poses a threat to the demographic potential of single-industry towns. Northern ingle-industry towns owe their existence to the specifics of regional
development that has always been focused on the extraction of strategically important


The current research features employment of university graduates in the Siberian Federal District. The objective is to assess the quality of employment among higher education system graduates. The study is based on microdata obtained from a survey on employment conducted by the Federal Service of State Statistics (Rosstat). The methodology is based on a comparison of employment haracteristics (the level and profile of education, formal / informal, full / part-time employment) that reflect a possible demand for graduates on the local labour market. The main research methods are descriptive and regression analysis. The obtained results indicate that approximately one third of graduates fail to find work according to their specialty and perform jobs that do not require higher education. Every eighth graduate is employed in the informal sector. These figures indicate a lower quality of employment of graduates in the Siberian Federal District, compared with the average indicators for Russia. A regression analysis has showed that employment in accordance with the level and profile of education is determined mainly by individual characteristics of individuals. The best chances are in the field of medicine, the worst – in agriculture. The assumptions about
a high demand for specialists in the field of engineering and technology and a lower demand for specialists in economics and management have not been confirmed. These employment rates turned out to be approximately equal and correspond to average values. The obtained results can be used in the formation of programs of education development (primarily at the level of flagship universities) and improvement of educational programs.


The town of Gukovo is an average city of the Rostov Region with a population of about 65 thousand people. Its industry is connected with coal mining. When the local coal mines were closed in the post-Soviet period, many people lost their jobs and began to seek employment in other regions. Today the local residents work mainly in the social sphere, trade and agriculture. They associate the prospects for the development of the urban industrial and social infrastructure with the creation of the priority social and economic development area (PSEDA) “Gukovo”. At present, the enterprises of PSEDA have already begun operating: they are mostly oriented to
engineering, manufacturing of reinforced concrete structures, carbonaceous materials, sunflower oil, and textile products. The goal of the study is to highlight the current social and economic problems of the municipal entity “Gukovo City” – PSEDA “Gukovo”, represented through the prism of the opinions of its residents. The study is based on the materials of depth interviews


Economic development of the country depends on the economic development of the regions, and also largely on the development of mono-profile municipal entities on the territory of these regions – single-industry towns, which is largely determined by the ability of mono-cities to diversify their economic activities. One of the ways
to implement this (without hindering the development of the profile industries) is the application of a cluster approach to mono-cities, with their consideration in the role of cluster elements operating in the region. Such an approach will allow coordinating the regional policy with respect to its proportional development with the strategic policy of municipalities. The report reveals the essence of the concept of "mono-cities", reflects the main problems of the development of such entities, and studies the cluster approach as a means of improving single-industry towns and regions in general. In particular, the paper features the conditions under which the cluster members can receive positive effects that would be external to mono-cities, as well as the ways mono-cities themselves can obtain a part of the synergetic effect from the activity of the regional cluster.


Reducing the number of city-forming enterprises in single-industry towns leads to a decrease in the standard of living and migration of the population to other cities. From the economic point of view in many cases, the support of such cities is inappropriate, and there is a need to support the most rapid migration of the population to
more favorable cities. But on the other hand, the dispersal system in Russia is characterized by sparseness, and in many cases isolated monocities are important for the integrity of the territorial structure of the country. The article identifies the main factors that can
influence the increase in the attractiveness of single-industry towns for the population. This approach can be an effective tool for assessing the potential of single-industry urban settlements. Approbation of the proposed campaign in the Republic of Tatarstan
and the Kemerovo region made it possible to conclude that the strategic direction in the development of single-industry cities should be connected with the economic diversity of the city. Acceleration of economic growth, as well as sustainability of business can be
achieved by the development of small and medium-sized businesses


The study presented in this paper is aimed at identifying the role of cityforming enterprises in solving problems of single-industry towns. As empirical data, we used the results of a content analysis of Internet sites of monotowns, an analysis of the comprehensive investment plans, statistical data and social reports of several
core enterprises. The article shows activities of core enterprises on the territories of their presence aimed at creation of conditions for business development, and creation of new jobs in non-core industries. This allows one to diversify the labour market of
monocities and to reduce tensions on the labor market. Promising directions, supported by core enterprises, include diversification of their own production, professional orientation of youth, training and retraining of the population, and the development of social entrepreneurship. The study has brought about several models, which promote the comprehensive development of the territories of monotowns. The emphasis of the work is on the need to involve the local community to implement plan s and programs of cityforming
enterprises for the development of their territories of presence


A rational choice of priorities in the field of research and development at the university is a fundamental factor in obtaining support, funding and commercialization. This choice depends on the technical, economic, environmental, educational and humanitarian problems of regions and cities where the higher education institution is located. The choice of priorities in the field of scientific research and development depends on a number of factors, such as continuous research; research interests of the academic staff; the curriculum; access to good laboratory facilities; the relevance for the Russian scientific community; the relevance for the world scientific community; the interests of scientific knowledge; demand from the customer (organization, enterprise); "The National Technology Initiative" state program; the priority development directions of science and technology; list of critical technologies of the Russian Federation; the Foresight method; funds, grants, and subsidies. The aim of the study is to analyze the process of selection of priorities for scientific-research work conducted by employees of the Komsomolskon-Amur state University (KnaGU). The authors considered the dynamics of scientific research and development in Russia and at the university. Based on a survey of university staff, the authors have identified approaches to the choice of research topics. The paper features some recommendations for selecting research priorities


The article features the concept of institutional-synergetic approach to planning as applied to territories of advanced social and economic development (TASED). At the initial stage it is proposed to determine the system of basic characteristics which are structured on the dichotomous method basis. Selecting one of the two possible solutions (the essence of the dichotomy) allows one to take a firm position about the most acute issues of the TASED formation, to focus resources and to develop a framework of strategic planning. The article systematizes the factors of the business investments decisions; these factors must be taken into account when developing the TASED models. The designed classification of single-industry cities with the status of special territories is represented in the form of three matrices. Such a representation makes it possible to take into account differences in income levels, technological development, and demographic potential of the territories. In addition to the resources of the territory, it is proposed to include the level and quality of strategic territorial planning, the level of interaction quality between stakeholders in the territory, and the quality of the territorial development management system. The proposed approach allows one to focus both on the development institutions and institutional transformations, and also to take into account the significant differences in the social and economic development of the single-industry cities, which received the status of TASED, their synergetic development potential, the factors of system  development and system formation.


The subject of the study is the role of the flagship university in the formation of knowledge economy in a resource-extracting region. The aim of the research is to reveal the role of the flagship university in the development of a resource-extracting region towards the knowledge economy via its basic social and economic functions, defined by the urgent needs of the local community, according to the local natural and economic specifics. The research employed some elements of system analysis. The study results: the study has
revealed some development components, critical for innovative development of Kuzbass, which is a typical resource-extracting region, influenced by its flagship university; the role of the flagship university in the formation of knowledge economy via the definition
of its social and economic functions has been revealed; a belief-creative mission of university education in a knowledge-based society has been established. The results can be used in the development planning of higher education in the Kemerovo region.
Conclusions: 1. The critical components of regional development, which are influenced by the flagship university, embrace human resources, as well as measures to transform social infrastructure; natural resources together with ecology; cultural and demographic
resources of development. 2. New models of university education combine the processes of market economy and the traditional socio-cultural functions of the university, important for the socialization of the knowledge economy. 3. The social function of the flagship
university is due to its main traditional function of forming a modern picture of the world among students and primarily consists in creating a solid foundation for demographic growth in the region. 4. The economic function of the flagship university is, first of all, in teaching practical skills that would enable students to join the regional production and economic activities immediately after graduation


In accordance with the criteria developed by the Government of the Russian Federation in 2014, 16 cities in the Chelyabinsk region received the official status of mono-industrial towns. Only four of them belong to the category single-industry towns with a stable socio-economic situation. For the rest, vital capacity remains a priority. One ways to solve the problem is creating territories of priority socio-economic development. The first residents of territories of priority socio-economic development in the Chelyabinsk region were registered in the city of Bakal. At the end of 2017 it was
joined by Verkhniy Ufaley with its potential investors. In addition to the territories of priority socio-economic development, the Chelyabinsk region develops industrial parks on the basis of mono-industrial towns to attract funds into urban economy and create
new jobs. The current paper features an analysis of the problems that the first territories of priority socio-economic development and industrial parks in the Chelyabinsk region are facing, as well as prospects for their further development


Development of technological entrepreneurship is one of the strategic priorities of Russia's core universities. A number of universities in the country have already accumulated a certain experience in teaching technology entrepreneurship. Formation of basic universities as centers of strategic development of the region and its single-industry towns requires the development of new approaches to training in technological entrepreneurship. The article deals with the mechanism of constructing an innovative ecosystem that promotes the formation of entrepreneurial competencies in the students of the supporting university. The research is based on the case of the Kemerovo region and features the main characteristics and tasks of the system of teaching technological entrepreneurship in its flagship university, taking into account
the strategy and key problems of the region. The paper reveals the key features of teaching technological entrepreneurship in regions with a predominance of mono-profile municipal entities. It introduces potential directions of development of technological entrepreneurial initiatives related to overcoming the mono-dependence of the cities of the Kemerovo region. The results can be used in teaching technological entrepreneurship for the benefit of single-industry towns, as well as in compiling municipal order for educational services.


The Russian Federation is currently moving to a new model of spatial development of its economy, also by creating areas of advanced social and economic development. The Far Eastern Federal District was the first in establishing of such special regime territories. In 2014, the process spread to single-industry urban settlements. In this case, the main purpose is to develop business enterprises not connected with the townforming enterprise. For the Republic of Karelia, issues related to monotowns cities are relevant. On the territory of the republic there are eleven mononowns, and two of them contain territories of advanced development, i.e. «Nadvoitsy» and «Kondopoga». The purpose of this article is to assess the functioning of the zones of advanced development and their impact on the development of the region, as well as to identify problems
and develop proposals for their elimination. The research employed such general scientific methods and techniques as induction and deduction, synthesis, comparative and comparable analysis. The article reveals the features and the role of the territories of advanced social and economic development in the economic development of the country and the region in particular, as exemplified by the Republic of Karelia. The study has identified the problems of the zones and their development. The author proposes a number of specific measures to improve the efficiency of advanced development zones


For the regional economy and for the economy of a country as a whole it is necessary to correctly assess the economic potential of their territories. Errors or inaccuracies committed in this case can lead not just to inefficient spending of budgetary funds, but also to the wrong choice of the development strategy, which can result in a loss of competitiveness of the economy of the region and its cities and affect the development of the national economy as a whole. The purpose of this work is to provide a comparative assessment of the economic potential of the Novosibirsk region and other regions of the Si berian Federal District. The study examined the socio-economic potential of the region as an important indicator of territorial development. Its estimation is based on the index method and the cluster approach. Six groups of development indices of the regions of the Siberian Federal District were selected. Were used a method for standardizing indicators using variance and hierarchical methods of clustering. Clusters of the Siberian Federal District have been identified. A comparative analysis of the potential of the Novosibirsk region and regions from other clusters is carried out. Comparison of the Novosibirsk region with its neighbors, representatives of other, significantly different clusters – the Omsk region and the Republic of Altai – allows us to conclude that the Novosibirsk region exceeds the neighboring regions in terms of its economic potential. In the regional economy, the production, infrastructure and labor components of the potential are the most developed (and, therefore, most promising for use as locomotives of regional development). The remaining components are relatively behind, which makes it necessary to draw attention to them from the authorities and management. The results of the study can be used to improve regional economic p olicy.


With reference to the activity of the Kama Innovation Cluster "Innokam", the paper considers some issues of the integration of project management mechanisms into the investment strategy of the cluster structures. Such a strategy implemented by Innocam's structures in the context of open innovation encompasses a set of innovative projects, including the creation of engineering centers for the development of flexible production systems, the design of high technologies, new generation robotic complexes, etc. The study describes some features of an innovative cluster functioning in the environment of open innovations, which is characterized by a high level of uncertainty. The article introduces the business model of the strategic partnership of "Innokam" structures, which is focused on the environment of open innovations. Tools for strategic analysis
have been developed, the results of which are used by Innokam structures when creating
an array of input data necessary for the design of a project ma nagement strategy. The research explores the mechanism and principles of the development of the project management strategy in relation to the investment activities of the Innocam structures. Taking into account the specifics of the functioning of these structures, the scenario planning methodology has been modernized and a tool for selecting the best variant of the project management strategy has been proposed. The paper includes proposals on the construction of a multi-level management system, taking into account the specific features of Innokam’s investment activities. With respect
to each level of management, criteria are given for assessing the effectiveness of the system. The research has justified the use of controlling that fulfills the role of feedback in the management system, which allows one to evaluate the effectiveness of the project strategy implemented by Innocam's structures


Further development of single-industry towns, as well as solution of their acute socio-economic issues demand modernization, redevelopment of city-forming enterprises on an innovative basis, formation of a new «image», all of which is impossible without attracting significant financial resources. In the conditions of limited budget financing, aggravated by the necessity to implement major investment projects, only the most effective methods of financing investment activities should be applied in single-industry urban environment. It is justified that in monocities, whose economy is characterized by a high level of risks, it is advisable to use such method as project financing for financing investment processes. World experience in managing the economy in risky and crisis situations shows that project financing is the most effective and sustainable form of financing, which justifies the significant legal and administrative costs inherent to its implementation. Regional analysis of the world market of project financing allows us to conclude that this form of financing is especially useful for countries and regions with underdeveloped institutions.


The subject of the current research is the old industrial monocities and monoproduct regions of the Perm region. The goal is the development of strategic approaches to solving the scientific and practical problem of realizing the prospects of Priority Social and Economic Development Areas, created within the boundaries of mono-product regions. The methodology of work is based on N.D. Kondratiev’s wave theory, G. Mensch’s concept of innovation activity, M. Porter’s concept of clusters, the concept of triple helix, etc. Its basis is the concept of innovative development of old industrial monocities [1]. The research results can assist monoproduct regions in obtaining the Priority Social and Economic Development Area status. Also, the area of application of the results includes
mono-product regions that have already obtained the status in question. The author concludes that application for the status should be preceded by a scientifically sound strategy for the development of mono-product regions, which has received the support of the local population.


The current research features approaches to solving the problems associated with a decline in the development of old industrial sectors in single-industry towns (monocities, or monocommunities). The target of the study is to show the necessity of strategic approach and interaction of all management levels. Particular attention is paid to resource-dependent communities. Enterprises of mineral resources sector have limits of effective development, associated with gradual depletion of their resource base. Diversification and modernization of the economy of resource-dependent communities are logically linked to a timely achieving of strategic objectives to ensure their long-term sustainable development. Strategic aspects are also important for development planning in the sphere of new raw material deposits. A comprehensive analysis should help avoid the risks of creating new monocommunities with a poor prospect of long-term development. The article includes an analysis of international experience of Germany, Canada, and China. It is shown that a progress in solving the problems of company towns heavily depends on a strategic partnership between the federal, the regional, and the municipal governments, as well as on their collaboration with business. A conclusion is made that a uniform strategy for the development of various single-industry towns does not exist. The choice of the way of the development for each particular monotown is determined
by its socio-economic characteristics. Among those, remoteness or proximity to large urban agglomerations, industry affiliation and prospects for the development of the cityforming
enterprise, opportunities for economic diversification, investment potential and opportunities for attracting investors are of paramount importance. The process of positive changes, as a rule, is slow and complicated. Thence, it is important to justify the purpose and ways to achieve it. As a rule, extrapolation methods do not work in this case


The current research features various models of social and economic development in single-industry towns in the sphere of medical innovations. Methodological basis of the article are the works by A. I. Tatarkin, V. N. Bobkov, I. V. Makarova, P.S. Mstislavsky, A. N. Oleinik, V. I. Perkhov, O. V. Pushkarev, O. M. Roy The study results can be used in scientific and practical research in the fields of innovations, healthcare, high-tech medical care, innovative development of territories, and project activities. In general, the study can assist single-industry cities with a complex socioeconomic situation. Research results. We have established a connection between the life quality in problemplagued single-industry towns and public health. The population of such single-profile settlements decreases due to social-economic policies of local and regional authorities, since programs for their development do not presuppose innovative production.
In conclusion, the authors recommend starting enterprises that would produce innovative
products. These enterprises are associated with providing the population with hightech medical care and services. The recommendations will lead to an improvement of the quality of life, population growth and density, changes in the age structure, and an increase in the life expectancy. This measure will help to stabilize a pre-crisis situation / crisis situation and facilitate the development of socio-economic processes


The article deals with the constituent elements of the human capital and their influence on the development of the region. It stresses the special role of health as an important component of human capital in increasing production efficiency. The paper describes the current approaches to the definition of labor and human resources at the individual and community level (enterprise, region, society). It features the directions of their rational use in the case of transport enterprises of Kemerovo-city and the Kemerovo region. The authors give specific proposals for its improvement. The study involves a sociological survey revealing the motivation of the personnel as
well as facts of violations in the sphere of labor relations, and their interconnection. Attention is focused on ways to counteract the management of enterprises in case of violation of labor rights. The authors emphasize the need for social responsibility in the
maintenance and development of human capital, especially the need for an integrated approach to the effective use of human capital in the region.


Development and improvement of single-industry towns remain a burning issue not only because of the entrepreneurship and business development on the respective territories but mostly because of the need to improve the quality of life and prevent outflow of working population. Other acute problems involve the advanced development of problem areas, as well as the use of modern tools to disclose the potential for socio-economic development of single-industry towns. Outsourcing can be considered such a tool, if improved. The existing practice and experience of using outsourcing for diversification of single-industry economy and development of small and medium-sized businesses show the dependence of outsourcers on the economic situation of city-forming enterprises. The paper features an analysis of the world experience in outsourcing approach for single-industry cities. It is proposed to use outsourcing as a problem solving tool for single-industry towns. Together with large companies, cityforming enterprises and service industries, outsourcing can play an important role in solving social problems, in particular through "social outsourcing".


The paper focuses on the diversification of single-industry towns’ economy and identifies the role of networking in this process. The author presents preliminary results of the Russian Science Foundation project "Sustainable development of the territorial
economy through networking of small cities and district centers". The goal of the project is to identify opportunities to overcome the growing gap in the level and quality of life in small Russian towns vs. large cities and megacities, and to propose measures for combining
resources and competencies of small cities in the framework of network relationships. The cases of Tula, Vladimir and Perm regions were in the focus of research. To achieve the research goal, a set of methods was applicable, including system analysis, formal logical
method, dialectical method, as well as quantitative and qualitative marketing research. This allows us to draw conclusions about the presence of structural problems and contemporary trends, and to offer recommendations taking into account the specialization of small singleindustry towns. Serious problems faced by the municipalities of single-industry towns, and the obstacles to efficient inter-municipal cooperation have been identified. At the same time, international evidence shows that the formation of a favorable institutional
environment for mutually beneficial combination of resources and competences of singleindustry towns with different specialization facilitates the implementation of joint projects and makes it possible to accelerate the processes of economic diversification by using the
benefits of a network coordination mechanism


The current study shows that the development projects for single-industry towns should provide a close relationship between the goals of strategic development, public expenditure, final results, as well as the principles and tools of the project approach. The paper introduces a classification of development projects for monotowns. Such projects, if oriented to innovative development, are often implemented within the framework of an anti-crisis strategy, limited investment resources, and a lack of qualified specialists in the field of project management. Effective project management, especially development projects, requires skilled personnel with modern competences in project management. Personal competences of the stuff should comprise behavioral (leadership, ethics, etc.), contextual (project orientation, finances, etc.) and technological abilities (requirements and targets of the project, concerned parties, risks, etc.). Such competencies, consistent with international standards in the field of project management, will effectively manage by the development projects for monotowns in the conditions of constant changes, an increased level of risks and insufficient development of institutions