ISSN 2308-4057 (Print),
ISSN 2310-9599 (Online)


Currently, the clean potable water is globally the restricted economic benefit. In highly urbanized and environmentally unfavorable regions, including the Kemerovo region, development of food plants to fill drinking water is the most promising way to solve the problem of potable water availability. Factors and conditions of the drinking water market formation are studied by integral evaluation of drinking water availability in all municipal districts of the region, using the criteria of availability in terms of geographic location, management, technological process, economic value and quality. The volume of supply of bottled drinking water is also analyzed in view of its availability. As a result, the data on the level of availability of drinking water is first obtained for residents of all municipal districts of the Kemerovo region, on the potential of the population to pay for the pure water delivery and on prospects to expand the bottled water production market. The most population was identified to live in conditions with low technological, economic and environmental access to drinking water. The residents of big and medium-sized cities live in conditions of low environmental availability and high potential to pay for the drinking water delivery. The residents of peripheral municipalities live in conditions with low access to potable water due to management, technology and economic restriction but within the high geographic availability. Thus, the analysis of the drinking water availability and volume of its production suggest the possibility of the local market considerable capacity and its growth in future.
drinking water availability, bottled water, local market, potential to pay, market capacity
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How to quote?
Mekush G.E., Antonova A.V., Lavrov A.M., and Buvaltseva V.I. Factor analysis and growth prospects of potable water local market. Foods and Raw Materials, 2016, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 181–189. DOI: 10.21179/2308-4057-2016-2-181-189.
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