ISSN 2308-4057 (Print),
ISSN 2310-9599 (Online)


When the political and economic uncertainty rises, the sustainable functioning of strategically significant industries that first and foremost include the agriculture defines the national security. Comparison of the agricultural output in Russia and some global countries indicate on extensive pattern of the growth in industry. The government too poorly commits to support the agricultural sector. Where the budget revenue declines in the Russian Federation due to unfavorable conditions in the commodity markets, the risks of non compliance with expenditure commitments increase (in particular, program events focused on the agrarian sector support). The purpose of the study was to justify the feasibility to increase the share of government in the activity to ensure the growth of the industry at the brand-new level by using up-to-date fiscal technologies for budget liquidity management. The study was based on the dialectical approach that allows considering components (elements) of the agrarian sector in their flow and development along with systematic and institutional methodological approaches and statistical methods. Fiscal technologies for budget liquidity management are aimed at reducing budgetary risks that arise when implementing budget plans under conditions of global uncertainty. Concentration of financial assets with the Unified Bank Account of the Treasury of Russia and placement of temporarily free budget liquidity in derivative instruments forms conditions to create the innovative and investment-oriented budget deficit and increase of the governmental share in development of the industry at the truly new level.
Agriculture, agrarian sector, sustained development, food security, targeting of budget funds remainders, liquidity of the single budget account, budgetary risks, budget data, innovation and investment-oriented budget deficit
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How to quote?
Glushakova O.V., Fadeykina N.V., Baranova I.V., Tsygankov K.Yu., and Mikhailov V.V. Fiscal technologies of budget liquidity management and their role to ensure the sustainable growth of the agrarian sector in the context of global uncertainty. Foods and Raw Materials, 2017, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 174–191. DOI: 10.21179/2308-4057- 2017-1-174-191.
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