ISSN 2308-4057 (Print),
ISSN 2310-9599 (Online)

Volume 2016, Issue 1, 2016

The paper presents the general characteristics of public diplomacy and independent expert appraisal and describes the concepts’ interconnections which is extremely important for further research. The conclusion was drawn with consideration of comprehension and application of the soft power theory in Russia. It states that the development of the civil society institutes remains a state initiative. On the one hand, this assumption contradicts the idea of cooperative effort, on the other hand, the state creates artificial conditions for stimulation of the civil institutions which is logical considering the insufficient development of the civil society.
The paper considers the way of theoretical and methodological research of solving the task of graduates’ professional employment, also it describes the consequences of putting in practice the standards of assistance of professional employment for graduates. Prospects and restraints of using the diagnostic methods in the graduates’ streaming are analyzed. The necessity of enlarging graduation employment’s types is reasoned on the base of searching types introduction. New method of defining the types of graduates’ employment is proved. The main criterion of this method’s efficiency is “closeness to the sphere of education”. According to the materials of regional researches, the author has grounds to suggest that the method can be made the part of the university’s informational system. The results show the influence of the externals of the educational sphere (type of specialization, qualification level, region, type of educational institution, graduation year and gender) on the professional employment of higher school graduates.
Biographical method is based on the theory of humanistic direction. It involves subjective assessments of facts, social consulting, access to a high level of generalization. In historical science and literary work with biographies it is a traditional genre. In sociology, the study of biographies was formed in the method of the microsociological paradigm of “soft” data analysis. The architectonic of method consists in a flexible construction of chosen techniques and procedures. The paper details the author’s method of analyzing life scenarios. This technique in the structure of the complex biographical techniques helps the respondent understand the tragic eventfulness of their life, to make a choice to change the script. This choice determines the future success of the respondent and their descendants. The conclusions are drawn on the basis of the author’s using the biographical method in studies of the fate of the Siberians and social consulting with clients.
The paper considers the specific features of regional policy as a complex of measures which aims at supporting territories. The emphasis is set upon social direction of regional policy for local territories. As an example, the implementation of regional policy in Kemerovo region is considered. Such mechanisms of regional policy as program methods of territories’ support and using professional celebrations for social sphere and infrastructure development of Kuzbass local territories are emphasized.
The paper reflects the practice of a target-oriented approach to the informatization of the ociety in Kemerovo region. The author considers world experience and effect of realization of a target-oriented approach to the informatization of the Russian society on the whole. Particular attention is paid to the government program “Informational society of Kuzbass”, 2014-2017. The paper analyzes a method of evaluation of the program. The author studies the current performance of its realization. Positive and negative aspects of the practice of a target-oriented approach to the informatization of the society constitute the research result. Besides, negative aspects are considered as areas for further improvement of the process. They include methodological and practical aspects of target-oriented approach to the informatization of the society and evaluation of its effectiveness.
The paper discusses how employment in the Russian industry evolved over the period of 2000 - 2014. It starts with tracing one of the key labor market indicators: the level and dynamics of employment. Total employment in the Russian industry and employment in firms and enterprises (i.e. in the formal sector) declined over the whole period of 2000 - 2014. But employment in the informal sector was on the rise. The reallocation of labor into informality reduces productivity and growth. Then the author analyzes how the Russian industrial enterprises adapted to the output fall during the 2008 - 2009 economic crisis. Firms did this in three major ways. First, Russian firms froze new hires without active use of involuntary labor shedding. The second way is cutting working hours as firms shifted their personnel into administrative leaves or into short-time work. The third way is flexible wages.
The paper substantiates the urgency of the problem of attracting entrants, associated with increased competition and changing consumer behaviour in the selection process at the University. The author considers approaches to the design and content of the websites of the universities to evaluate their effectiveness. The aim of this work is to systematize the tools to attract candidates, using the AIDA model. The author studied more than 50 sites of Russian universities, during which the following engaging tools were addressed and described: news, special subdomain for entrants, passing score calculator, online testing, virtual tour, special events and activities of the University, interactive buttons, tools of sales promotion and others. A systematic approach to the use of these tools increases the efficiency of the web site of the University in the process of influencing consumer behavior.
Describing contemporary geospatial requires an appropriate amount of information. That is “smart” information, which in turn requires “smart” infrastructure, created using modern digital technologies. The circular dependency occurs: alone digital technology and communication means themselves influence the geoospatial, making the world smaller and creating fierce competition among industry players. New geospatial technologies give the opportunity of a three-dimensional map trackicg of accommodation and calculating the possible actions of potential competitors. One of the elements of the new technology is the so-called “hexagonal geospatial technology” that helps to understand the meaning of the dynamically changing world. These technologies have successfully been used for creating “smart” cities and functioning of urban agglomerations. The purpose of the paper is to show the possibilities of geospatial technologies and problems associated with their use. The author used the materials of the jhournals “Geospatial World” and “Hexagon geospatial”.
The paper considers the standards of time spent on processing different documents. The example of the Budgetary Public Health Facility of Kemerovo Region “Kemerovo Regional Clinical Drug Dispensary” shows, how much time is required for documents preparation and processing, depending on the document type. In addition, the goal was set to determine the average time spent, as well as to develop recommendations for efficient use of working hours for documents preparation in a medical institution. While analyzing the documents, the formula for calculating the number of people, required for documents processing, was developed, and the relevant calculations were presented.
The paper presents the original methodical tools uniting two complementary techniques: creation of a motivational profile of respondents of higher educational institutions (potential entrants and students) and transformational analysis of motives of getting higher education. The results of its approbation in Altai Krai in 2012 - 2015 are provided. The necessity of researching the demand in the informal educational services market is proved; its specific features are unveiled, results of target questionnaire of potential buyers are analyzed. Validity of the use of an integrated approach when carrying out market researches in education market is accented.
The paper considers the problems of interaction between potential employers and educational institutions of higher education in training specialists by means of the analysis of the opinions of two relevant groups’ representatives. The expert poll showed that, in general positively estimating the quality of higher education in Russia and Kemerovo Region, the respondents from the real sector of economy are more critical in their opinions. From higher education institutions they expect specialists better trained in practice and management. Both the educational institutions and the enterprises are ready for all-round cooperation which requires improving the existing mechanisms of their partnership and developing new ones.
The paper focuses on the impact of recession on the population life quality and aims at its quantitative assessment in the regional (e. g., the regions of the Siberian Federal District) and temporal aspects (analytical database includes 2003 - 2013). The authors also consider the possibility of delay (lag) of the individual indicators and areas of life quality in response to the recession. The research methodology is based on a graphical analysis of dynamic trends of the statistics (27 quality of life indicators and 8 economic indicators). The results showed that the sagging economic and social indicators are not always synchronous and proportional to each other, on this basis it is possible to differentiate between the regions of the Siberian Federal District. Furthermore, the reaction of individual indicators of the quality of life and spheres occurs with time delays of different durations. It is necessary to take into account the regional authorities in the policy aimed at maintaining the quality of life in times of recession Keywords: quality of life, the crisis, the impact of regional policy, time lags.
Urrently, Russia is not included in the list of attractive countries for foreign investors. This paperis devoted to the analysis of foreign investment in the Russian Federation and the ways of creating favorable conditions for them. The methodology of the research is based on a review of analytical materials in open sources, primarily - the statistical information. According to the analysis, in 2014 the Russian economy witnessed a sharp decline in foreign investment, which is extremely worrying for the country’s economy.