ISSN 2308-4057 (Print),
ISSN 2310-9599 (Online)

The Impact of Priority Water Contaminants on the Stability of the Main Components of Nectars

This paper presents the results of a study on the impact of organic impurities contained in water (phenol, chlorophenol, chloroform, formaldehyde, and acetaldehyde) on the stability of nectar components: sucrose, citric acid, vitamins A and C, and B group vitamins. A reduction in the concentrations of the main components of nectars and priority contaminants, except for chloroform, has been established. The mechanism of interaction of sucrose, citric acid, and vitamins contained in nectars with phenol, chlorophenol, chloroform, formaldehyde, and acetaldehyde has been substantiated theoretically.
nectar, sugar, citric acid, vitamins, water, phenol, chlorophenol, chloroform, formaldehyde, acetaldehyde.
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