ISSN 2308-4057 (Print),
ISSN 2310-9599 (Online)

Effect of Iron Sulfate on Biosynthesis of Extracellural Metabolites of Propionic Acid Bacteria

In the work, activated cultures of propionic acid bacteria were found to exhibit high antimutagenic activity and adhesion properties, synthesize considerable amount of corrinoids and heme-containing enzymes. Increase of iron concentration in the medium was shown to intensify synthesis of extracellular metabolites promoting adaptation of the culture to the metal. Optimal technological parameters for isolation of casein phosphopeptides were determined. Ability of phosphopeptides to efficiently solubilize divalent iron was confirmed. Relationship between iron concentration and extent of solubilization was established. Iron chelated with casein phosphopeptides was noted to stay in divalent form for prolonged period.
propionic acid bacteria, catalase, peroxidase, superoxide dismutase, casein phosphopeptides, iron solubilization
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