ISSN 2308-4057 (Print),
ISSN 2310-9599 (Online)


The article shows the dynamics of the output of baked goods over the past five years in Russia and in the Siberian Federal District. The main trends in the development of the baking branch of the food industry of Kemerovo oblast are specified. Factors that determine the dynamics of baked goods production in the Kuznetsk Basin are considered. Practices of transfer from administrative bread price regulation to targeted subsidies for the least protected strata are shown. Analytical results of the dynamics and structure of the assortment of bread baked by large and medium-sized bakeries of the oblast are presented. Ways of improving the current efficiency of the baking branch of the food industry of Kemerovo oblast are determined.
baking industry, baked products, production output, «social» bread, assortment
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