This article is dedicated to the development of new nonfat dairy products and methods of improving the quality of low-calorie foods. Advantages and drawbacks of the consumer properties of nonfat dairy products are shown. Some carbohydrate and protein fat imitators are characterized. The advantages of protein fat imitators are shown that are able not only to increase the protein content but also to add a creamy flavor to nonfat products. Possible options of using whey protein microparticulates as fat imitators in the production of nonfat dairy products are considered. The research findings are given on the use of whey protein microparticulates in the production of dairy products with higher protein contents: curd products, sweetened condensed milk, and natural cheeses: thermal-acid, soft acid-rennet, and brined.Keywords
nonfat dairy products, butterfat imitator, whey protein microparticulate, milk-protein product, soft acid-rennet cheese, brined cheese, thermal-acid cheese, curds, condensed milkREFERENCES
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