ISSN 2308-4057 (Print),
ISSN 2310-9599 (Online)


Nutrition is one of the primary factors of achievements in sports and sportsmen’s health, on par with methodological and psychological aspects of training. A special place in sports nutrition is occupied by biologically active additives (BAA) made with plant and animal raw materials, amino acids, ferments, other irreplaceable nutrients and minor food constituents – energy, fat, protein and mineral exchange correctors, considering their efficiency and availability. Biologically active substances of the food components are also able to stimulate compensatory-adaptive reactions, prevent trauma and numerous diseases in professional sports, protect from common cold and other viral diseases before and during competitions. Great attention is paid to the scientific approbation of BAA formulae, with considera-tion of age, gender, sport type and synergic effect of separate components on metabolic processes in human organism. New types of BAA’s for sports nutrition have been developed. The formulae have been created on the basis of data from literature and research on characteristics of active ingredients and their influence on the metabolic processes dur-ing training, competitions and recreational activities. Organoleptic, physical and chemical, hygienic and toxicological customer properties have been examined. Regulated quality indices (including nutritional value), which establish func-tional goals, have been determined. Considering the directions of BAA testing, the characteristic of several sport types has been given. The distinctive features of nutritional support have been investigated. The efficiency of specialized products has been determined by their inclusion into the diet and observation of specific properties, which characterize metabolic processes in sportsmen’s organisms. The developed products have passed anti-doping control. They have been included into the Federal register and approved in the practice of sport competitions.
Sports nutrition, principles of creation, specialized products, efficiency assessment
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