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Wild-growing mushrooms traditionally are considered one of the sources of food fibers, vegetable proteins, macro - and - micronutrients, and also flavor components. However, the composition of mushrooms includes antinutritional substances capable to selectively reduce the absorption of certain nutrients. These are primarily antienzymes or proteinase inhibitors, which reduce the absorption of proteins. Previous studies have indicated applicability of vacuum-pulse drying to improve the nutritional value in the edible mushrooms (Cantharellus cibarius Fr.) autohydrolysis of bodies biopolymers of the mushrooms and increase of the rate of swelling in hot water. The possibility of applying a vacuum-pulse drying for increasing the content of free amino acids and reduction of the activity of trypsin inhibitors in edible mushrooms: chanterelles and autumn agarics (Cantharellus cibarius Fr.) is shown in this study. In addition, it is established, that the vacuum-pulse method of drying leads to reduction of flavor components content in the edible mushrooms. To study human body digestibility of vacuum-drying product further research is required. The effect of vacuum-pulse drying on flavor properties of mushrooms continues to be a controversial question.
vacuum-pulse drying,
amino acids,
trypsin inhibitors,
volatile components.
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