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The relevance of researches is due to the need to develop the technology of whey-based beverages with high viscosity. The paper presents the criteria for choosing a method of milk whey processing; a list of existing technologies as classification scheme is included. An alternative ingredient of plant origin - orange fiber Citri-Fi has been proposed to regulate the consistency of the beverage. Due to the special processing it has functional and technological properties - the ability to bind moisture up to 13 mass particles for 1 weight fraction of the fiber. Using mathematical modeling, the optimal conditions of including dietary fiber in the milk whey have been determined in order to predict the behavior of raw material systems in the production of beverages with high viscosity in the technological cycle. Samples of dietary fiber were studied using an ultraviolet microscope with the optical system of fluorescent illuminator. Indices of dynamic viscosity of hydrated whey plant mixtures were determined by Geppler viscometer. The visualization of the transformation of dry Citri-Fi while swelling in whey was shown, allowing you to observe a multiple increase in the volume of tubular fibers. The mechanism of water-retaining process is confirmed by the preservation of the fiber structure and a significant increase in the volume of the fragment of dietary fiber due to the absorption of the whey. The conditions for the preparation and application of orange dietary fiber in the milk whey to obtain beverages with high viscosity were studied. Optimum conditions for preparation and application whey plant mixture in the bulk of whey are the amount of Citri-Fi - 4-5%, the stirring time - 10-15 min, the swelling temperature - 30-35°C. The rational amount of whey mixture is 10-12.5%, provided that the temperature - 50-60°C, the stirring time - 8-10 min. The rational parameters and technological scheme of whey beverages with high viscosity have been developed.
Dry and hydrated samples of Citri-Fi,
whey plant mixtures,
mathematical models,
viscosity characteristics,
beverages with high viscosity
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