ISSN 2308-4057 (Print),
ISSN 2310-9599 (Online)

Social responsibility as the dominant driver of the evolution of reporting from financial to non-financial: theory and methodology

Introduction. For over half a century, corporate social responsibility has been in the center of scientific discourse. Its basic concept has become part of strategic management, changing the content of financial reporting and leading to new forms of corporate reporting.
Study objects and methods. The article substantiated the importance of studying corporate social responsibility (CSR) concepts and national models. The study covered the CSR basic concept, targets and paradigms. The evolution of CSR was considered in terms of its impact on the formation of non-financial reporting.
Results and discussion. The authors identified two stages of non-financial reporting development and two directions for the convergence of financial and non-financial reporting. They proposed an assessment matrix to measure facts, actions, and resources in the past, present, and future. This matrix can help companies to generate information for integrated reporting by showing the impact of each type of capital (financial, production, human, intellectual, social, and environmental) on their value creation. Within a promising direction for developing non-financial reporting in conjunction with financial reporting, the authors set requirements to reflect the impact of climate risks on the company’s activities in accordance with the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures. The authors discussed both standardized and their own approaches to CSR indicators. Finally, they addressed the problem of reliability of non-financial reporting, discussed various forms of its verification (taking evidence from food industry enterprises), and set specific principles to control non-financial reporting indicators.
Conclusion. The authors identified further promising areas of research in the theory and practice of CSR. Their findings can be used in scientific debates on CSR and in the practice of corporate reporting.
Measurement, indicators, corporate social responsibility, reporting, food industry, sustainable development
The reported study was funded by Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) , project number №20-110-50042\20 “Social responsibility as the dominant driver of the evolution of reporting from financial to non-financial: a review of theory and methodology”.
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How to quote?
Bychkova SM, Karelskaia SN, Abdalova EB, Zhidkova EA. Social responsibility as the dominant driver of the evolution of reporting from financial to non-financial: theory and methodology. Foods and Raw Materials. 2021;9(1): 135–145.
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