ISSN 2308-4057 (Print),
ISSN 2310-9599 (Online)

Production of enriched lamb in biodegradable packaging

The paper describes an environmentally safe technology for biofortifying lamb with target components in required concentrations packed in biodegradable film. To address the problem of micronutrient deficiency, we developed a biologically safe method of enriching lamb with organic iodine and selenium supplements. Introducing selenium and iodine feed supplements to the animals’ diet increased the average daily growth of their live mass in experimental groups by 3.43, 6.72, and 14.92% in groups I (iodine), II (selenium), and III (iodine and selenium), respectively, compared to the control group (feed only). The analysis of immunephysiological status showed an increase in phagocytic number in experimental groups: by 5.1% (P > 0.95), 9.4%, and 14.5% in groups I, II, III, respectively. In addition, the highest phagocytic activity and phagocytic intensity were observed in animals of group II and group III, indicating their higher resistance to adverse environmental factors, compared to the control. There was an increase in iodine, selenium and zinc content in the lamb meat from the experimental groups grown on enriched diets. We recorded a higher concentration of the micronutrients in the lambs receiving “Yoddar-Zn” and “DAFS-25” supplements together (Zn – 980 μg/100 g; Se – 53.9 μg/100 g; I – 77.6 μg/100 g). We found that the contents of zinc, selenium, and iodine in 100 g of m. Longissimus dorsi were 8.2%, 77.0%, and 51.7%, respectively, of the required content in the daily diet. Thus, we can use this raw material to produce functional meat products. Packaging lamb in sodium alginate-based biodegradable film helped reduce moisture loss during storage.
Lamb, environmentally-friendly technology, feed supplements, essential trace elements, iodine deficiency, biodegradable film, polysaccharides, sodium alginate
This research was funded by the Russian Scientific Foundation (RSE), project no. 19-76-10013 “Development and implementation of technology for production and storage of environmentally safe lamb enriched with essential trace elements”.
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How to quote?
Giro TM, Kulikovsky AV, Аndreeva SV, Gorlov IF, Giro AV. Production of enriched lamb in biodegradable packaging. Foods and Raw Materials. 2020;8(2):312–320. DOI:
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