ISSN 2308-4057 (Print),
ISSN 2310-9599 (Online)

Plastics: physical-and-mechanical properties and biodegradable potential

Introduction. Processing agricultural waste into plant biodegradable plastics is a promising way for its recycling. This work featured the main physical-and-mechanical properties of plant plastics without adhesive substances obtained from millet husk and wheat husk and wood plastic obtained from sawdust, as well as their biodegradation potential.
Study objects and methods. Objects of the study were plastics without adhesives based on wood sawdust, millet husk, and wheat husk.
Results and discussion. We analyzed of the physical-and-mechanical parameters of the plant plastic based on millet husk, wheat husk, as well as wood plastic based on sawdust. The analysis showed that, in general, the strength characteristics of the wood plastics were higher than those of the plastics based on millet husk, especially flexural strength. Thus, the average value of the density of the wood plastic exceeded that of the plant plastic from millet husk by 10%, hardness by 40%, compression elasticity modulus by 50%, and flexural modulus by 3.9 times. It was found that wood and plant plastics obtained from sawdust, millet husk, and wheat husk without adhesives had a high biodegradation potential.
Conclusion. The plastics obtained can be used as an insulating, building, and decorative material in the steppe regions experiencing a shortage of wood and wood powder.
Plastic, agricultural waste, grain, husk, biodegradation
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How to quote?
Glukhikh VV, Buryndin VG, Artyemov AV, Savinovskih AV, Krivonogov PS, Krivonogova AS. Plastics: physical-and-mechanical properties and biodegradable potential. Foods and Raw Materials. 2020;8(1):149–154. DOI:
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