ISSN 2308-4057 (Print),
ISSN 2310-9599 (Online)

A multi-criteria sensory assessment of Cucumis melo (L.) using fuzzy-Eckenrode and fuzzy-TOPSIS methods

The paper introduces a multi-criteria assessment system that can be used for sensory analysis by fuzzy-Eckenrode and fuzzy-TOPSIS methods. Respondents evaluated the sensory characteristics of Cucumis melo (L.), which included aroma, colour, taste, texture, and overall acceptance, after six days of storage. The product was stored under three different temperature conditions: 10°C (B1), 14°C (B2), and room temperature (27–30°C) (B3). The product was also stored at three types of packaging: unpackaged stem (A1), packaged fruit with one layer of banana stem (A2), and packaged fruit with two layers of banana stem (A3). The best result was demonstrated by the Cucumis melo that was stored at 14°C and packaged in a two-layered banana stem (A3B2). Both fuzzy-Eckenrode and fuzzy-TOPSIS method provided an easy, fast, and unambiguous calculation of multi-criteria sensory assessment.
Banana stem, hedonic scale, Cucumis melo (L.), sensory assessment, TOPSIS, Eckenrode
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How to quote?
Fadhil R, Agustina R. A multi-criteria sensory assessment of Cucumis melo (L.) using fuzzy-Eckenrode and fuzzy-TOPSIS methods. Foods and Raw Materials. 2019;7(2):339–347. DOI:
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