ISSN 2308-4057 (Print),
ISSN 2310-9599 (Online)

New technological paradigm of the Russian dairy industry: formation principles under globalisation

The present research employed a convergent approach and cognitive methodology to define the upgrade options in the sphere of domestic dairy industry according to the principles of the 5th technological paradigm. The principles include biological nanomembrane cluster technologies with a complete production cycle. The paper offers a forecast for the 6th technological paradigm, which presupposes picotechnology for the production of milk derivatives, such as lactose hydrolysates, lactulose, microparticulate proteins, peptides, and amino acid pool. The principle makes it possible to return secondary dairy raw materials into the technological cycle. These significant resources include low-fat milk, buttermilk, and especially whey, which can be used to produce functional foods for various population groups, as well as new generation forage resources. From the point of view of logistics, the modern dairy industry should employ a digital and robot-aided non-waste production scheme. Thus, all dairy raw materials should be considered as natural clusters according to the nature-formed biotechnological system (BTS). These clusters are lipids (fats), nitrogencontaining substances (proteins), carbohydrates (lactose), minerals (salt), biologically active substances, and water. As an idealised model of agricultural raw material, milk is extremely complex. Its chemical composition includes more than 2000 constituents and 100000 molecular structures. In addition, dairy architectonics is also extremely complex: milk is suspension, emulsion, and solution, concurrently. Finally, milk possesses unusual physicochemical, osmophoric, structural-mechanical, bio-thermodynamic, and other characteristics. We conducted a long-term systematic analysis and developed a scheme that can help the domestic diary industry to adapt safely to the new technological paradigm. The scheme takes into account various factors, such as limited traditional dairy resources, Russia’s accession to the WTO, and the globalisation of the world dairy market. Our research team belongs to the leading federal scientific school ‘Living Systems’ (No.7510.2010.4) developed by the North Caucasus Federal University (Russia).
Milk, whey, nanotechnology, bioproducts, modernization, clusters
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How to quote?
Khramtsov AG. New technological paradigm of the Russian dairy industry: formation principles under globalisation. Foods and Raw Materials. 2019;7(2):291–300. DOI:
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