quality and safety issues of wine, beer, mineral waters and soft drinks;
new functional drinks for different regions and age groups;
new technologies of wine aging; new wines and cognacs; market competitiveness of alcoholic beverages.
2002 – 2017: Director of the All-Russian Research Institute of Brewing, Non-Alcoholic and Wine Industry, branch of the Gorbatov Federal Research Center for Food Systems of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia);
1989 – 2002: Deputy Director of the Russian Research Institute for Wine, Beer and Soft Drink Industries;
1986 – 1989: Department Head at the Russian Research Institute for Wine, Beer and Soft Drink Industries;
1985 – 1986: section leader at the Moscow branch of the Magarach Research Institute of Viticulture and Wine-making;
1978 – 1985: assistant researcher at the Moscow branch of the Magarach Research Institute of Viticulture and Wine-making;
1976 – 1978: senior technical engineer at the Sojuzplodoprom Union, Ministry of Agriculture of the USSR;
1974 – 1976: shop foreman at a soft-drink factory;
1972 – 1973: shop foreman at Moldkhlebprom confectionery.