ISSN 2308-4057 (Печать),
ISSN 2310-9599 (Онлайн)


More and more works are published in scientific literature, concerning the study of students' health and the factors, influencing it, the most important role among which is devoted to rational nutrition. Scientists proved that students' special life style, age-specific peculiarities, intense intellectual and physical activity, irregular studying schedule, lack of money, personal disorderliness and other conditions of students' life demand for special attention to the arrangement of their nutrition. The results of sociological researches, conducted among the Russian students (in Kemerovo and the Kemerovo State University) demonstrate quite a critical relation of students to the quality and functioning of catering service at universities and to price availability of meals in canteens. The analysis of foreign and Russian experience of healthy catering service for students leads to the conclusion that students' centralized nutrition in municipal formation needs to be arranged according to the mechanisms, regulated by the federal program “Shkol'noe pitanie” [School nutrition]. The offered project of the city research and production complex for production of ready meals and semi-finished products for university canteens will allow to increase the students' nutrition quality, improve their health, provide cost efficiency of university public catering, create new workplaces in the city, involve local producers in foodstuffs procurement, develop and implement special programs for students etc.
Ключевые слова
Nutrition, students, health, morbidity, quality of food, canteen, food habits, catering service, municipality
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Как цитировать?
Morozova E.A., Kranzeeva E.A., and Kochneva O.P. Catering service and its quality for university students in municipal formation. Foods and Raw Materials, 2017, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 205–215. DOI: 10.21179/2308-4057-2017-1-205-215.
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